Gart the Gnome’s blog
Gart the Gnome is a travelling gnome. He travels around the world, sees places and meets people. Ok, I admit, it’s a fact that I escaped from MoMA. But I had a good reason. Read more…

Beach Picture – Esko Tirronen
Hi Folks,I really hate it when I get sand in my beard. The best way to get sand out of beard is to avoid getting it in the beard in the first place. In…

Trinity College Library – Dublin
Hi Folks,When I was studying in Trinity College Dublin, the Old Library's (Trinity College Library) main chamber called the Long Room did not look…

Emotion Chart – Gart
Hi Folks, I really have to share this one! Ralf from Germany sent me this emotion chart picture. Ralf says that he's a big fan of me, but claims that I…

Umpherston Sinkhole – South Australia
Hi Folks,They say that everything but gardening is unnecessary. I am not that sure of it but if you truly are into gardening, here's a bit of an advice…

The Dance of Life – Edvard Munch
Hi Folks,This is The Dance of Life, a fine painting by Edvard Munch. Edvard was my good personal friend through his adult life. He was not quite…

The Twelve Apostles – Victoria, AU
Hi Folks,This is a cool place. No wonder though, it's by the Southern Ocean and the breeze from Antarctica is rather cool. If you just happen to…

Cosmo McMurtry – Michael Parekowhai
Hi Folks,Please let me introduce you to the giant rabbit, my friend, Cosmo McMurtry. They say that immigration causes a lot of controversy in New Zealand.…

Golden Gate Bridge – San Francisco
Hi Folks,I know, the photo is not the best of them all but my fingers were frozen like Fish Sticks and I could not operate the campera properly. I've…

Venice Beach – Los Angeles
Hi Folks,Pacific Ocean, the beach, the people, L.A.... Wish you were here! Venice Beach is the only place where I have felt that I'm not being stared…

Las Vegas – Nevada
Hi Folks,I thought it would be a good idea to double anything I have. Well... It went all right at first. Mom, if you see this, please send me some…

Hoover Dam – Arizona
Hi Folks,I do not know whether you have heard of Mr. Hoover. Apparently he was keen on building stuff and cleaning. One of the best inventions in the…

Grand Canyon North Rim – Arizona
Hi Folks,This is amazing. I mean, the artcrafts in MoMA have no comparison to this view. Do you hike? No, well maybe you should! Go before it's too…

Salt Lake Temple – Salt Lake City
Hi Folks,I visited one of the strangest cities, Salt Lake City. The main city attraction is the Mormons' head quarters called Salt Lake Temple. I have…

Pinedale – Wyoming
Hi Folks,I took this photo few miles south from Pinedale. The area is bautiful. Of course I would prefer a public transport but folks, around here…

Graceland – Memphis
Hi Folks,Greetings from Memphis, Tennessee. I visited my pal Elvis Presley in Graceland. Hung out with the white pet monkey. We got along very well…

U.S. Route 66 – Nilwood, Illinois
Hi Folks,I got the feeling that the Agency had found out my location so I decided to seek protection from Iron Sleds Motorcycle Club in Nilwood. Nobody…

Buckingham Fountain – Chicago
Hi Folks,Buckingham Fountain is Chicago's landmark and one of the largest fountains in the world. The fountain shoots water up vertically to nearly 50…

Michigan Central Station – Detroit
Hi Folks,I found my way to Detroit only to hear the sad news. My old pal Cosmo McMurtry had lost his job when Detroit was declared into bankruptcy. Cosmo…